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Qatar seashore plastic factory

废塑料 废橡胶 废五金
Seashore Group is one of the largest multi-disciplinary business conglomerates in the State of Qatar. The group operates from its headquarters at Al Khor, which is about 50 km north of Doha City. The owner and Chairman of the Group, Mr. Saeed Salem Al Mohannadi, a Qatari businessman, and the Managing Director, Mr. Mohamed Ali, an Indian entrepreneur, established the company in 1989. The group started small, with just three workers and modest assets. Today Seashore is a thriving enterprise with over 3,500 employees and current assets totaling over QR 1000 million. The group has grown at an exponential growth rate since its inception.
废塑料 废橡胶 废五金
所在地区:国家 卡塔尔

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地区: 国家 卡塔尔

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Qatar seashore plastic factory供求信息
热门关键词 废塑料硬杂胶 通用废塑料PVC软胶 废塑料pet轻胶纸 供应pvc废塑料颗粒 废塑料橡胶 橡胶废料 废塑料胶纸 废塑料胶 废塑料胶头 硅橡胶废料 天然橡胶废料 氟橡胶废料 丁苯橡胶废料 丁腈橡胶废料 硅胶废塑料 橡胶废料供应 鞋底橡胶废料 硅胶橡胶废料 丁基橡胶废料 顺丁橡胶废料 供应橡胶废料 回收橡胶废料 废塑料杂胶头 橡胶废胶料
全国统一服务热线:0571-56611111 56612345 市场合作:0571-56633145 广告服务:0571-56611111 传真:0571-56637777

浙公网安备 33010402001336号 增值电信业务经营许可证  浙B2-20190161    法律顾问:京衡律师集团事务所    罗益群    律师

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