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供应各类通用塑料(PET、PE、PP、PS、ABS、PMMA、AS等)及各类工程塑料(PA、PBT、PC、POM、PPE、LCP、PPS等), 日本产及日本原料东南亚生产的各类再生颗粒,日
株式会社鹏德克是一家专业从事再生塑料原料利用和出口的专门商社。公司座落于日本滋贺县的大津市,公司从日本各地回收各类可再生塑料,与各地供货商建立了良好的商务合作关系。拥有安定的进货渠道。购进后直接向中国及东南亚各国的生产厂商出口,每月各类再生塑料总出口量在4000~4500吨左右。 我公司拥有自己由中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(AQSIQ)颁发的面向中国出口的批文(A392050028)。 我公司主营的品种有各类通用塑料(PET,PE,PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,AS等)及各类工程塑料(PA,PBT,PC,POM,PPE,LCP,PPS等),在这之中我公司的强项是PET,PS,PP,PE,基本凡可通过CCIC检验的再生塑料我公司都能够提供。 我公司一向以顾客至上为中心,我们会竭尽我们的所能,为您提供您所需要的产品原料。公司对日本近江商人的信念“三方有利法则”作出鹏德克式诠释,力求使排放企业、合作工厂、鹏德克三方均获得最大利润。鹏德克字标以再生利用圈和全球商务为概念,表现了力度和信赖感。各部分代表供货商、合作工厂、鹏德克,表达了本公司的经营理念,即把三者之间的相互关系视为首要大事,衷心的希望在今后的日子里我们能有更加广泛,深入的交流和合作。 We, Pantech Corporation, are a Japanese trading company which handles various types of recyclable plastic scraps. Our office is located in Otsu city in Shiga Prefecture, and all of our handling plastic scraps from different areas are gathered to 24 contracted warehouses all over the Japan. We have built good relationship between domestic suppliers and us for a long time with stable quantity and trust, and we export 4000~4500 tons of plastic scraps per month to the end-users in Southeast Asian countries including China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Indonesia. As one of our strength, we acquired AQSIQ license (A392050028) and all scraps maintain a fixed standard at this level. Our handling resigns include from general-purpose plastics (PET, PE, PP, PS, ABS, PMMA, AS etc) to engineering plastics (PA, PBT, PC, POM, PPE, PPS etc), and especially PET, PS, PP, PE are our major strength. We have a principle “Good for all-sellers, buyers, and society as a whole” which is same principle as Omi (old name of Shiga Pre.) merchants had, and we interpret these three components as Pantech, Partner Plants, and Waste-Producing companies. We strongly believe that “everyone” should gain maximum profit and benefit. Pantech Logo expresses energetic power and trust with a concept of recycling and global business. This triangle relationship indicates our company philosophy which put mutual relationship on a top priority. By taking this opportunity, we wish to build good relationship and partnership with your company with a basis concept of “Good for all-sellers, buyers, and society as a whole”.
供应各类通用塑料(PET、PE、PP、PS、ABS、PMMA、AS等)及各类工程塑料(PA、PBT、PC、POM、PPE、LCP、PPS等), 日本产及日本原料东南亚生产的各类再生颗粒,日本化学厂商副牌颗粒。
所在地区:国家 日本

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地区: 国家 日本

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热门关键词 各种通用塑料 通用塑料 通用塑料原料 通用塑料pp pe通用塑料 通用塑料回收 供应二手进口塑料托盘 供应啤酒包废塑料 聚酯PBT塑料原料通用塑料工程塑料 HDPE通用塑料原料 通用塑料ABS 通用塑料GPPS 通用塑料ldpe 通用塑料pvc 通用塑料475 通用塑胶 通用废塑料PET 供应河南通利牌废旧钢铁金属破碎机生产线设 通用废塑料pet瓶片 各类通信设备回收 供应进口废铝塑板 供应各种型号 通用废料 南通废塑料
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